Tuesday, May 12, 2015


The key events in Animal Farm that I chose to illustrate for my final pieces were quite easy to pick as the book only has ten chapters and within each chapter, the events that took place were key to the development of the story and all had individual references to the historical content of the Russian Revolution. 

Key Events in Animal Farm

1. Old Major's speech after Mr Jones falls asleep drunk - his speech is a reference to Karl Marx's communist manifesto. 

2. Old Major dies and Animalism is formed in secret, the animals begin to starve and run Mr Jones out of the farm, the seven commandments of Animalism are written.

3. The pigs health is the most important, they reserve the apples and milk for themselves though the animals begin to work in harmony, some of the animals also learn to read and write.

4. The farmers of the neighbouring farms begin to fear Animal Farm, they attack the farm and the Battle of Cowshed happens, the animals win. 

5. Sheeps begin bleating 'Four legs good, Two legs bad.' The windmill idea is introduced by Snowball however Napoleon doesn't like it and Snowball is exiled. 

6. The windmill is built afterall and the pigs begin trading with humans. 

7. Napoleon orders the execution of the animals he suspects are working with Snowball and the song of the rebellion 'Beasts of England' is banned by Napoleon.

8. The other farmers decide to attack the farm and tear the windmill down before being ran out by the animals. 

9. Boxer breaks his ankle and is sent to the glue factory to be killed. 

10. The pigs are now indistuingishable to the humans and possess whips, the seven commandments have all been changed to suit the pigs needs and to oppress the other animals in a way that is unchallengable. 

I tried to push these key events in my thumbnails by layouting them so that they could include the key events altogether. I wanted to make them more surreal in their way of telling the story. 

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