Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Evaluation of Project


I enjoyed this brief as I feel as if I've been able to freely work through my own processes and develop my experimentation with different materials. 

This project I feel has furthered my skills in illustration, as well as in research and development skills because of the amount of time we had for it and the amount of time I could use in making successful narrative illustrations. 

I had trouble keeping a time scale and plan of development and progress, this could be due to my own disorganization and having to balance other project deadlines along with this project deadline which I am unaccustomed to. 

I feel as if this project has pushed me in terms of thinking of how my process of development and final images could be improved and I feel more prepared for other projects, in which case this project has also helped me a great deal in having to work through difficult briefs. 

Over the course of this project, I have mainly focused my research on historical influences such as the Soviet propaganda and the Russian youth in regards to the Revolution. 

I did this because of the historical references of Animal Farm and because it's based on historical events and figures such as Josef Stalin and Karl Marx. 

My final images could have been better as could my development and time management, however I feel as if my final images were appropriate for what key events they were referencing within Animal Farm. 

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