Tuesday, May 12, 2015



Carrie Worthen, Wisconsin AFL-CIO

Raised Fist Symbol
Socialist Party of Malaysia,

Oakland General Strike, 1926
The Raised Fist has been used throughout historical revolutions as a symbol of unity and resistance, it has been used in different countries such as Cuba and Serbia within their rebellious propaganda posters. 

It's a strong and empowering symbol that brings the oppressed together. 

Hammer & Sickle, Communist symbol

Communist Hammer & Sickle

This symbol was created during the Russian Revolution to be used by the Communists, the hammer is a symbol of the working class and the sickle is a symbol for the peasantry. The hammer and sickle represents the alliance between the two and the revolution that their alliance can create. 

Animal Farm Symbol Design 

Own Design

I created a symbol to reference the infamous hammer & sickle design but instead of the hammer, I used a horseshoe to symbolise the working class in reference to Boxer as he was known for his hard work. 

I drew out a pig trotter and shaped it so that it could be placed between the horseshoe instead of having a circular section cut out from the horseshoe. 

I wanted to symbolize the pigs oppressing the working animals by dipping their trotter in the produce and taking the profits for themselves on the backs of working animals. 

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