Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Colour Choices

Lenin Is Alive, Artist unknown
I went with warm but sharp colours for my designs as warm colours are generally more exaggerated and they stand out more which is what I aimed my designs to do. 

With a lot of the Propaganda posters I've looked at, in relation to the Russian Revolution, artists tend to use more bright vivid colours in their designs to stand out to the public, with warm colours too this helped in rilling up the masses for believing in what they were viewing which helped bring about the revolution, as without the people, revolution and change can't happen. 

Friendship Forever, 1956

With my designs for Animal Farm, I wanted to imply a childishness with it as generally books with animals as their characters tend to be aimed at children and after looking at Stories For Little Comrades: Revolutionary Artists and the Making of Early Soviet Children's Books by Evgeny Steiner, which explains how after Stalin brought a censorship of art, artists focused in on children's book illustration as children were the most impressionable which was perfect for the molding of a new kind of person with a solid belief in equality. 
Dmitry Moor, Have You Enlisted in the Army?

'In the Soviet Union of the 1920s, the most prominent avant-garde artists were eager children’s book illustrators. Reaching a mass audience of unformed, malleable young people appealed to their commitment to an art manifesto based on the creation of a new kind of person for the revolutionary age. At the same time, the opportunity to work for good pay along with a low risk of censorship were practical attractions.' 
-Stories For Little Comrades: Revolutionary Artists and the Making of Early Soviety Children's Books by Evgeny Steiner.

As children tend to be more attracted to bright and loud colours, I wanted to utilize this in my work and have tried working with bright reds, oranges, yellows, blacks and whites to attempt to create loud and expressive designs.

My main colour that I wanted to push with my designs was red, as it is generally synonymous with communism and the colour has been used to symbolize rebellion for many years. 

During the Russian Revolution, the communists flew a red flag with a yellow hammer and sickle on it and it was thought to symbolize the blood of the proletariat, the working class, which was shed in their involvment of the revolution.
Lenin Propaganda, Artist Unknown

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