Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Influenced propaganda and drawings


Alexandr Rodchenko, Plakat
Alexandr Rodchenko

I looked at different books that were filled with old Russian Propaganda, the majority of which I really loved the visual concepts of like; Beat The Whites With The Red Wedge by El Lissitzky, 1919, and Have you volunteered for the Red Army? By Dmitry Moor, 1920 as well as a lot of Alexandr Rodchenko's work which I really liked because of the contrasting colours and sharp and aesthetically impacting aspects.

Dmitry Moor, Have You Enlisted in the Army?

El Lissitzky, Beat The Whites With The Red Wedge

Pacifiers, Aleksandr Rodchenko

My homage to Beat The Whites With The Red Wedge
I looked at Propaganda as a lot of it was open to interpretation to whoever viewed it and I want to make my designs like this too as I feel like Animal Farm is also open to interpretation as it's used by both right and left wing politics, right wing for the belief of freedom to succeed over equality as well as survival of the fittest, this shows with the pigs powerhold over the other animals and left wing for the belief of equality and what valuing success over equality will result in. 

'there are only two classes: the capitalist class which possesses but does not produce and the working class which produces but does not possess'
- http://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/socialist-standard/1980s/1986/no-986-october-1986/political-ideas-george-orwell

'Despite Orwell's influence political journalism is as corrupt as ever. However, if we, individually, question what we read and try to be honest and objective in what we write then it is a start. Above all it is important that our socialism is not compromised and that we do not put our trust in leaders but our confidence in the power of the working class.'

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