Saturday, March 14, 2015



Plagiarism is using someone else's work in your designs or saying that it is your own. Plagiarism can have some big consequences such as lawsuits and social condemnation, accidental plagiarism is still plagiarism such as coincidental plagiarism or not knowing what it is and using someone else's work as influence. There are many different ways in which you can plagiarise, such as using someone else's layout, design or the way the work looks however you cannot plagiarise an idea or style.


Homage is where you take influence from other artists or add to their work as a tribute to it but you always have to give credit to the original creator or where you found the influence from.

The difference between homage and plagiarism is that with plagiarism is morally corrupt and usually the plagiariser knows what they're doing and uses ways to avoid being caught whereas homage is more of a known influence from an artist and has credit to them too, as well as it usually benefits the original artist.


Copying work is a vital learning process for any beginning artist. It helps them to learn how to draw subjects, to understand the shapes and what colours work well together as well as learning how to layout their work. However doing this as a professional artist is extremely unprofessional and is usually the cause of plagiarism.



Recently, Nissan created an advertisement for their new car, and used a background that had an artist named Btoy's artwork within it but changed slightly. The work on their ad isn't completely similar to Btoy's work as slight changes have been made to it which shows that whoever created the advertisement for Nissan knew that it was Btoy's design, or knew that it was illegal and unprofessional to take the artists design, and tried to change it so it would go unnoticed. 
It looks as if the design has been photoshopped for the advertisement too, as in the car has been digitally placed in front of a wall. 
Btoy spoke about it and said that the work on the wall wasn't even from their original wall that the art was on but instead was in one of their published design books, thus making the argument that they put street art on a wall that they didn't possess in  the first place void. 
It isn't necessarily Nissan that are the culprits of this plagiarism though, it's their advertising team that has thrown them into this lawsuit against Btoy. 

Btoy's design vs Nissan's ad


Shephard Fairey is a street artist that is most well known for his work of Andre the Giant. There is no actual evidence he can draw as he displays none of the line, modelling and other idiosyncrasies that reveal an artist's unique personal style, his work appears to be more machine made, he duplicates people's work and passes it off as his own original artwork not just as an influence of someones style as he uses direct imagery from others artwork.  
He launched his career with 'Andre the Giant has a posse' which was based on the wrestler, Andre the Giant and in 1993, Titan Sports (The company behind Andre the Giant) threatened to sue Fairey, making him change the design by just putting 'Obey' on it instead. 

I found a critique by artist Mark Vallen on Shephard Fairey's plagiarism, and he looked at a multitude of different times Fairey has plagiarised and compared them with their originals. Fairey seems to mainly use old Russian propaganda posters during the Soviet Revolution.

'Fairey toys with the veneer of radical politics, but his views are hollow and non-committal.' Quote from A critique by artist Mark Vallen on Plagiarist Shepard Fairey

Left image, is from Michael Anderson's film, 1984 and right is Shephard Fairey's design.
Left is a design by artist Vladimir Kozlinsky in 1919, middle top is Shephard Fairey's version. 
Right is 'Have You Volunteered?' by Dmitry Moor, middle bottom is Shephard Fairey's version.
In 2006, Fairey printed a near exact copy of a skull that he found from some artwork, he changed the original design only be adding the words OBEY: Defiant since '89, along with a small star with the Andre the Giant design in it. The design was reproduced as a t-shirt and sold on his website. 
Wal-Mart then began printing the same t-shirt and reproducing it at their stores, however a shopper saw it at Wal-Mart and realised it was the infamous logo belonging to the Gestapo, which is the Nazi secret state police that were Adolf Hitlers own personal bodyguards as well as the administrators of the concentration camps where the genocide of Jewish people happened. 
Wal-Mart's t-shirt became a nationwide controversy, with people screaming for the t-shirts to be taken off the shelves, which they were. However this brought Shephard Fairey's responsibility for manufacturing and selling the t-shirt first to light too and when confronted by the website,, Fairey said "When I made that graphic I was referencing a biker logo and it was only brought up to me later that it was the SS skull." In the same set of remarks, Fairey also protested that he was 'anti-fascist and pro-peace' however what kind of anti-fascist doesnt recognize the symbols used by the Nazi regime? His only defense is full-blown ignorance.

Death head logo of Nazi Gestapo
Shephard Fairey, t-shirt design


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