Sunday, February 22, 2015



The way in which information is packaged and presented in relation to book design in the early twentieth century has been connected to avant-garde movements such as the Constructivists of the Russian Revolution and their propaganda. The geometric shapes and layout used in Soviet book designs have inspired and influenced graphic design completely, with major illustrators/designers like El Lissitzky and Vladimir Mayakovsky, book design changed on the whole to a more modern contemporary look. 

Multiple protests across Russia escalated into movements, brief however in their duration but these movements challenged the regime of capitalism across the west and the propaganda used for this inspired not only the soldiers and citizens of Russia but the illustrators and graphic designers too. With the majority of art banned and criminalized, artists found new ways to protest such as children's books. 

Futurists and Dadaists made enormous contributions in exploding the aesthetic form too, as well as the avant-gardists whom created the groundwork for ways of seeing that last to today. They used their designs to make the form of a book not only as a piece of art but as a functional object that permeated the lives of the masses. 
Early Twentieth-century Avant-garde Book Design: An Agentive Vehicle for Social Change
Shannon Kelly Proulx



Avant garde tendency in 20th century painting, sculpture, photography, design and architecture, also associated developments in literature, theatre and film. 
Constructivism was first coined by artists in Russia in early 1921 and achieved international currency in 1920s
Russian constructivism refers specifically to a group of artists who sought to move beyond art object and wanted to extend the formal language of abstract art into practical design work, this development was prompted by utopian climate following October revolution of 1917 which led artists to seek to create a new visual environment, embodyin the social needs n values of the new communist order
Concept of international constructivism defines broader current in western art, most vital from around 1922 until end of 1920s centred primarily in Germany
International constructivists inspired by Russian example artistically and politically
Continued to work in traditional artistic media of painting and sculpture while also experimentin with film n photography and recognizing potential of new formal language for utilitarian design
Term constructivism frequently been used since 1920s in a looser fashion to qualities as precision impersonality clear formal order simplicity and economy of organization and use of contemporary materials such as plastic n metal
What is Illustration? By Lawrence Zeegan
Chapter; Book covers
Jan Tschichold; Posters of the Avant-garde

Summer of 1944, whilst Europe in war against fascist powers at its height, exhibition being held in museum of modern art in new York markin institutions 15th anniversary ‘ART IN PROGRESS’ catalogue states ‘during twenties, rodchenko and the Russian supremists introduced geometrical patterns in posters; these graphic and typographical potentialities were further explored by another Russian, El Lissitzky,
Exhibition included work by men who had gained a following in the world of graphic design. Usa proved a temporary refuge for some of them: Frenchman jean carlu returned to his homeland after war to resume his career as a graphic designer. Ladislav Sutnar from Czechoslovakia had been in new York in connection with 1939 worlds fair when war broke out, brought his family over from ruins of Europe after war to settle for goodin new homeland
By end of 1918, great war ww1, being lost german empire collapses and Kaiser Wilhelm 2 flees ingloriously to the neutral Netherlands, leaving behind a desperate nation
Inspired by Russian revolution of 1917, communist spartacists under leadership of rosa luxemberg and karl Liebknecht, try to seize power in berlin.
Attempted revolution also takes control period known as Weimar Republic begins


Russian revolution of 1917 deposed the czar(February revoltuon) and installed Bolsheviks in power(October revolution)
After winning civil war in russia, Bolsheviks established soviet union in 1922
Timelines of Russian revolution consufing because until February 1918 they used a different calender than the rest of the western world, in 19th century, Julian calander was used by Russia was 12 days behind Gregorian calender used by most of western world until march 1 1900 when it became 13 days behind
1887 May 8, Lenins brother hanged for plotting to kill czar alexander the third
1894 October 20, czar alexander third dies after a sudden illness and his son Nicholas the second becomes ruler of Russia
1895 december 8, lenin arrested and kept in solitary confinement for 13 months, then exiled to Siberia for three years
1896 may 14, Nicholas second crowned czar of Russia
1903 july 30, after having four girls czarina Alexandra gives birth to son, Alexei
1905 January 9, bloody Sunday in st petersberg begins 1905 russian revolution
Also in 1905, October 17, October manifesto issued by czar nicholas the second, brings end to 1905 russian revolution by promising civil liberties and an elected parliament
1906 april 23, constitution (fundamental laws of 1906) created reflecting promises made in October manifesto
1914 july 15, world war 1 begins
1915 september 5, czar Nicholas second assumes supreme command of Russian army
1916 december 17, Rasputin murdered
1917 february 23-27 february revolution begins with strikes, demonstrations and mutinies in Petrograd
March 2 czar Nicholas second abdicates and includes his son, following day nicholas seconds brother, Mikhail announced his refusal to accept throne, provisional government formed
April 3, lenin returns from exile and arrives in Petrograd via a sealed train
July 3 – 7 july days begin in Petrograd with spontaneous protests against provisional government after Bolsheviks unsuccsefully try to direct these protests into a coup, lenin forced into hiding
July 11 Alexander Kerensky becomes prime minister of provisional government
August 22-27 kornilov affair, failed coup by general lavr kornilov, commander of Russian army
October 25, October revolution, Bolsheviks take over Petrograd
October 26, winter palace, last holdout of provisional government taken by Bolsheviks, the council of peoples commissars, led by lenin, is now in control of Russia
1918 february 1/14, new Bolshevik government converts Russia from Julian to the Gregorian calender turning feb 1 into feb 14
March 3, treaty of brest-litovsk, between Germany and Russia is signed and takes Russia out of world war 1
March 8, Bolshevik party changed its name to the communist party
March 11, capital of Russia is changed from st. petersberg to Moscow
June, Russian civil war begins
July 17, czar Nicholas second and family are executed
August 30, assignation attempt on lenin leaves him seriously wounded
1920, novemeber, Russian civil war ends.
1922 april 3, stalin appointed to general secretary
May 26, lenin suffers first stroke
December 15, lenin suffers second stroke and retires from politics
December 30, union of soviet socialist republics U.S.S.R established
1924, Lenin dies, stalin becomes his successor

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