Sunday, February 22, 2015

Character Concepts

Character Concepts

In relation to Animal Farm, I've researched who each character is based off as the whole book is based around the Russian Revolution and the characters are based off members of the Soviet party.

Napoleon – Josef Stalin

Snowball – Leon Trotsky

Boxer – Exploited working class

Squealer – Propagandist

Old Major – Karl Max

Clover – Could possibly be impressionable public or children

Moses – Used to explore how communism exploits religion as something with which to pacify the oppressed

Mollie – Represents petit bourgeoisie that fled from Russian after Russian revolution

Benjamin – The elderly?

Muriel – Brainwashed public

Mr Jones – Represents tsar Nicholas second

Mr Frederick – Based on adolf hitler

Mr Pilkington – Capitalist governments of England and united states

Mr whimper – Iniates contact between animals and people, scaring animals

Jessie and Bluebell – Mothers of soviet youth

Minimus – Creator of animal farm, animal farm which later replaces beasts of England 

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