Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Digital Manipulation and Pixel Sorting


I had the most fun with digital manipulation as it had the most freedom to do what interested me the most within it. I looked into using different colour palettes and colour theory to create my work. I worked with using different filters with my work too and layered them up over each other to create strange effects. I tried to use work from all of the module sections such as reportage, animals and creatures and people and characters. I spent too much time on one of my paintings though and didn't get as much work as I would have wished to do. The paintings I created were scratchy and had a glitchy computerised effect which I liked. 


I created this image from my life drawing with a burlesque dancer called Frankie, I wanted to make it look simple but powerful and I think I achieved that. 

I tried out a few different colours for the outline of the figure but decided that the pink looked the best with the black and white. 



Patrick Seymour's work is elaborate and highly detailed but only uses lines to created a 3d effect. His use of colours go well with the black background he usually uses. I like his work because of its simplicity but whilst still being powerful and elaborate. 

Sandra Duchiewicz 

This artist makes amazing digital art on Photoshop, her work has a beautiful oil paint effect yet still keeps with a sharp line. I like her art because of the soft colouring she uses, it has a nice muted effect that works well with her figures. 

Tianhua Xu

This artist makes digital art that is incredibly realistic and intricate, you can see the amount of time within her work and how much detail has gone into it. I like it because of its authenticity and how detailed it is. 

Pascal Champion 

This artists work is interesting because of the colours he uses and how sharp his line quality is. I like his work because of his choice of colours and the shapes he incorporates in his work. His main influences are from his surroundings and he incorporates colour that he makes from colour palettes. 


Pixel Sorting was first made known by the artist Kim Asendorf. It's done by dragging the pixels of an image to create elaborate spokes but still keeping the look of the image. It's an interesting look to do and I wish I could have tried it but I ran out of time to do it and didn't get chance. I might try using it with my next project or just in my own free time. It could be used as a good texture for painting too which I would like to incorporate into my images. 

Giacomo Carmagnola
Giacomo uses an art form known as 'pixel sorting' to create elaborate and detailed images. I really like his work as it still keeps the image beforehand but makes it look otherworldly and strange. 

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